Introduction To Theoretical Computer Science

This link here links to the YouTube playlist.

This is a course on theoretical computer science. I'm still uploading things and recording videos and whatnot, so expect changes.

The worksheets are going to be delayed. Very delayed. So don't expect worksheets from here if you CSC236 student!


Note For CSC236 Students

Copyright Information

There are no worksheets for this course (for now).


Here are all the slides (work in progress, still not uploaded yet.)

If you have any suggestions or comments, let me know either on YouTube or by email.

If you'd like any relevant files, also contact me and I'll send them your way.

Note For CSC236 Students

Only content up to Episode 9 will be on CSC236. Episode 10 covers a concept from CSC263, Episode 11 and 12 cover content from CSC363 and Episode 13 and 14 cover content from CSC338. These last few videos are to give you a better taste in what theoretical CS is like.

The order and content covered in this playlist is not the same as in CSC236. While there's huge overlap, I cannot guarantee that this playlist is sufficient! Use this playlist and all the linked resources as a resource, not as a replacement!

My recommendation: Use this playlist after you read the textbook/assigned readings but before the lecture. Nothing replaces the readings, rather, this should reinforce your readings before you head to class so you can tackle the content efficiently.

Everything here is licensed under the BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License. Essentially, credit me, don't make money off this and keep this restrictions the same for everyone else.

For more information, head over here or go to the Creative Commons website. Note, the link here is for the 4.0 version of the license. While the general license is the same, the fine print might differ.