Introduction To Mathematical Proofs

This link here is where all the videos are for my Introduction To Mathematical Proofs playlist.

Below, I'll link a few other resources that might be helpful! If I find more helpful ones, I'll link them below.



Note For MAT102 Students

Note For Future Plans

Copyright Information



If you have any suggestions or comments, let me know either on YouTube or by email.

If you'd like any relevant files, also contact me and I'll send them your way.

Note For MAT102 Students

The order and content covered in this playlist is not the same as in MAT102. While there's huge overlap, I cannot guarantee that this playlist is sufficient! Use this playlist and all the linked resources as a resource, not as a replacement!

My recommendation: Use this playlist after you read the textbook/assigned readings but before the lecture. Nothing replaces the readings, rather, this should reinforce your readings before you head to class so you can tackle the content efficiently.

Note For Future Plans

In truth, this is supposed to be only the first half of the playlist. I planned to cover some other topics that help reinforce what we learn in the playlist and shed light onto more math.

However, this was a good place to stop since other things came to attention. I might continue this playlist later down the line. If that is something you are interested in, please let me know!

I can only provide another resource for those interested in the math beyond this playlist. Here is a playlist regarding number theory. It's very difficult, rigorous and long. However, you have the tools to understand what's happening with enough time and effort.

I can only wish you good fortune on your journey if you had the time to read this. Thanks!

Many of the resources were provided to me by Micheal Pawliuk, a professor at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). The materials were originally created for MAT102 Introduction to Proofs, a course a UTM, but I altered them to fit my course. Thus, every worksheet on this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License

Essentially, if you use these worksheets yourself, you have to credit me, keep the same license and can't commercialize any work originating from this.

For more information, head over here or go to the Creative Commons website. Note, the link here is for the 4.0 version of the license. While the general license is the same, the fine print might differ.